privacy policy
Data protection declarations are so long today that nobody reads them anymore. At least not the ones whose data is actually at stake. The same applies to terms and conditions , which everyone simply clicks away online or no longer notices when they are handed out.
Or have you ever read the terms and conditions of your mobile phone manufacturer piece by piece after updating the software?
Both terms and conditions and data protection declarations have thus become a bad example of the application of law. Massive demands are piling up for customers, consumers and companies to a mountain under which everyone actually just wants to duck and which they at best leave to their lawyers.
ASKIN.DIGITAL therefore deliberately refrains from an illegibly long data protection declaration. Instead, we assure you that we will handle your data carefully and well and feel bound by the constitutional right to informational self-determination. If you still want to read our privacy policy, you can find it here.
Our contact with you is based on trust. If you have a different impression, please contact us and tell us what bothers you. We will take your request very seriously.
Greetings to you,
ASKIN DIGITAL AI is a powerful, fully comprehensive AI
designed by Askin Digital to automate advertising.
© 2023 ASKIN DIGITAL. All rights reserved.
Taking data protection serious.